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Foto Payudara Andini Model Hots Indonesia

Fotobiru: Foto Bugil Artis Sexy Indonesia? Models? Foto Payudara Andini Model Hots Indonesia
Published on April 30, 2011 by   ·   No Comments

Kumpulan foto payudara models  dan juga artis hots indonesia yang hot dan  Bernama andini anda bisa melihat di sini karena saya menghadirkan untuk anda foto payudara. dengan sebuah kamera andini melakukannya sendiri,mulai dari foto wajah sampai foto payudara, Foto Payudara Andini Model Hots Indonesia

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Tags: foto payudara, payudara, payudara artis, payudara models

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ML Di tempat Umum

Fotobiru: Foto Bugil Artis Sexy Indonesia? Lifestyle? ML Di tempat Umum
Published on April 30, 2011 by   ·   2 Comments

Kalau sudah Nafsu, ML di mana saja akan dilakukan, di tepi pantai. di kolam renang ataupun dihalaman rumah akan dilakukan seperti foto ML yang ada di bawah ini. tampa perduli dengan lingkungan sekitar. ML dengan pasangan sambil bugil

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Tags: bugil, ml, ml ditempat umum, tempat umum

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Jennifer Mey - Majalah Popular Edisi Maret 2010

F R E S H L O O K Maret 2010

Jennifer Mey "‘Amoy’ From Heaven"
sulung dari tiga bersaudara yang kini merasakan kebebasan sejak tinggal di apartemen mengaku penganut sex after married . “Aku punya prinsip jadi cewek harus punya harga diri. Lagipula beruntungnya aku, selama ini pria yang jadi pacarku nggak pernah minta lebih dari ciuman, karena seks buat aku bukan yang utama dalam berhubungan, yang penting kasih sayang,”

Sindhu Mathi at Majalah Popular Edisi Maret 2010

Sindhu Mathi at Majalah Popular Edisi Maret 2010

Di Edisi Khusus ini, POPULAR persembahkan salah satu dari mereka untuk menyulut bara di dada Anda.
“Dibaca Madi,” koreksi model berusia 21 tahun ini ketika POPULAR menyebut nama belakangnya. “Kalau dalam Bahasa India, ‘thi’ itu dibaca ‘di’. Jadi namaku disebutnya bukan Sindhu Mati. Itu kan seram kedengarannya,” jelasnya sambil terkekeh.

Pose Seksi PUTRI ANGGRAINI di majalah Popular Edisi September

Putri Anggraini adalah seorang presenter program 'Mata Lelaki' yang tayang di Trans7.
Gadis kelahiran 8 Mei 1986 terlihat sungguh sangat menggoda.. memang benar-benar menggugah mata lelaki :D

Foto Artis Seksi Rachel C. Varadilla Hot and Busty Doll

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Cindy Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla


"Sheen morning.Sinar light in the morning sun lit hit Marina Ancol, a place to start our activities to take pictures of Rachel Cindy Varadilla, the cover model of this edition. Typical fragrant smell of sea water when we crossed the sea, leaving the Marina. Waves felt up and down while flying in the ship about twenty minutes. Seen a few gulls and eagles across the waters blue, distant sea. They are so graceful, independent and confident. "

While enjoying this trip, open a chat with Rachel C. Varadilla was very friendly and simple, short sesimple name, Rachel Varadilla. Yes, just Rachel Varadilla. Initially we ask for their activities lately. "I did a lot of shooting alone, for several magazines. Usually for a fashion column, "for short smile. "What about the filming soap operas?" "Actually, many offers to play a soap opera. But frankly, spend time playing soap operas and very tiring. Formerly played in several soap operas, then I do not want anymore, really tired. I prefer to work as a model photo shoot, "she admitted.

Then he told me early interest in becoming a model. Is in high school when Rachel Varadilla was happy being photographed and entered in one model agency in her hometown Surabaya. The story stops when we arrive at fresh objective.Fresh welcome. Roofs were lined up at the corners of the island Ayer waving as the team welcomed the arrival of POPULAR. Some time later we were soon preparing to start shooting everything ranging from make-up, hunting locations, until the execution scene.

Foto Artis Seksi Rachel C. Varadilla Hot and Busty Doll Part 2

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Rachel Varadilla

Golden Sunset The sun glint that had turned into a more gentle fierce. Its rays hit the sea water so that the yellow color sparkle like gold. The photographer seems to capture the spirit of the model and the natural surroundings. Rachel Varadilla said that she was very happy to be photographed in this beautiful place. "I like being photographed and traveling. The most I like is Phuket, Thailand where she once romantic and I have a memorable experience while there, an unforgettable experience, "Rachel Varadilla recalls smiled knowingly.

But do not ask who his boyfriend now, because Rachel Varadilla declare this when she was alone, after a short time ago broke. The reason is that she is not ready to get married, still happy to travel and explore careers in the world model. Rachel Varadilla is targeting three years away from serious breaks associated with the opposite sex.

Meanwhile, a few fishing boats visible across the waters of the sea, they apparently want to sail for fishing this evening. While they like hypnotized by the beauty of the model that was posed by the sea. Not only the fishermen, seagulls passing even while passing around a central Rachel Varadilla posing. Lively atmosphere between the fusion of nature and beauty of a woman in an evening.

Foto Foto Bugil Mantan Miss Universe, Alicia Machado

Foto Foto Bugil Mantan Miss Universe,
Alicia Machado

Sebelum menjadi perwakilan negaranya dalam ajang Miss Universe 2011, Machado berprofesi sebagai seorang model. Karir yang cukup membanggakan akhirnya dia peroleh ketika berhasil meraih gelar Miss Brasil dalam ajang Miss Brasil Pageant yang diadakan di São Paulo pada tanggal 23 Juli 2011. Atas prestasinye tersebut, dia berkesempatan mewakili Brasil dalam ajang Miss Universe 2011.
Peristiwa yang cukup menyakitkan mungkin justru dialami oleh Machado ketika dirinya dinobatkan sebagai Miss Brasil 2011. Penobatan dirinya justru diwarnai dengan cemoohan dan cibiran penonton tanpa disertai alasan yang jelas. Beberapa kemudian, terungkap bahwa cemoohan itu diterimanya karena sebelumnya sempat tersebar foto topless Machado. Karena hal itu, sebagian besar warga Brasil menganggapnya tidak layak menyandang predikat Miss Brasil, apalagi sampai mewakili Brasil dalam Miss Universe.

Foto Foto Penyiar Radio di Bugilin

Kita terkadang tidak tahu dengan apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh seorang pemabawa acara sebuah acara di radio, karena memang si pembawa acara tidak kelihatan. Dan hanya suaranya saja yang bisa kita dengar.

Tapi pada kesempatan ini, mari kita lihat apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di studio radio ini. Dijamin semua akan terkejut dan matanya pasti melotot ganas.......
Terkadang matanya bisa melotot sampai mengeluarkan air mata.......hehehehehehehe.....

Silahkan dinikmati sambil menangis terbahak-bahak...::::....